Quality Products from Mesoamerican Agroforests

Love for People, Love for Nature, Love for food

At Agrofloresta

We do direct trade to add value to the work of agroforestry producers. We do agroecology to make them more sustainable. We do reagroforestation to stop and revert land degradation.

100% Climate-positive supply chain

Cacao growers trained in Forest-friendly and organic cacao.
Rainforest indirectly safeguarded by supporting forest-friendly cacao plantations.
Indigenous communities supported.
Land converted from pasture to cacao-forest.
Heirloom cacaos
Cacao and other natives trees raised in community nurseries.
We believe in

Direct trade

Short circuits, traceability, quality and better livelihoods for agroforestry producers drive our work.

Special origin cacao

We source our cacao from different communities of southern Tabasco and northern Chiapas. The region is the only place in the world having at least 4,000 years of uninterrupted production and consumption of cacao.

Fine Flavor Cacao Beans

We work with agroforestry producers, who receive a premium price for their crop.


Assuring taste, consistent quality and production volume.


Unique flavors and aromas from the different mexican terroirs.

Working with agrobiodiversity
Selected beans
Farmer partnerships
Controlled post-harvest
Working with agrobiodiversity


We have social, economical and environmental positive impacts. The agroforest acts as a carbon sink, and a haven for biodiversity. The producers working with us have better prices and capacity training. The economy of the region has a new dynamic player creating new and better market opportunities for quality products.

Contact Us

Teapa, Tabasco, México

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For Mexico and rest of the world:

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